These are the voyages... of privilege

Last night was the much-anticipated premiere of Star Trek: Discovery , the first new series for the franchise in twelve years. I'm still processing what I thought of the two-part pilot. The setup reminds me vaguely of David Gerrold's Voyage of the Star Wolf novels, which are also centered on the first officer of a starship that gets blamed for bumbling into a war - but I'm pretty sure that similarity will end within an episode or two. I was irked by the main character's behavior, although you can't say she didn't suffer the consequences of her actions, so maybe she'll grow from here. And I was ticked that they killed off Michelle Yeoh, even though I suspected they would it do after both she and Jason Isaacs were announced as the new Star Trek Captain. What I found most dismaying is that we have yet another Trek series about war. The final years of DS9 covered almost nothing but the Federation's war against the Dominion. Voyager , being a si...