Working Under Lockdown

As of tomorrow, I will be working from home for the duration of the coronavirus emergency. I'm still on call to go back to the factory if I'm needed, but I don't think that's likely. Both my boss and the one other person in the Quality office think they'll be more productive if they keep coming in to work. That puzzled me at first, but as I was planning and organizing for my time away, a thought came to me. Most people don't know how to do this. They think about working from home, and they don't even know where to start. But I have, and I do. I spent about a year in 2001-2 writing three books, one of which, Liberty Girl , is still in print. Some other people in the office have worked from home before too, and they're all set to go. Others, not so much. If you're one of those people suddenly finding themselves tossed into the deep end of the work-from-home world, here are a couple of tips: #1 - CNN has an off button. Use it. (Okay, t...