Hello there...
As the title says, my name is Robert A. Black, and I write novels for middle-grade readers. I've been at LiveJournal for almost six years, but now I want to create a separate "author blog," where I can write about my published books and my upcoming projects.
Let's start with the basics. First, here are my books:
Lunar Pioneers is my new release. I just got my first copies this week, in fact. It's a science fiction story about life on the Moon in the 22nd Century.
The Real Life Channel was my previous release. It's an adventure/fantasy that pays tribute to my time writing for Nickelodeon's You Can't Do That On Television.
Liberty Girl was my first book. It's a historical novel set in Baltimore during World War I, and it's based on my grandmother's remembrances as an 11-year-old girl.
My "official author website" is at http://www.rablack.com/. Be sure to check it out! And check back here for more news.
Let's start with the basics. First, here are my books:
My "official author website" is at http://www.rablack.com/. Be sure to check it out! And check back here for more news.
Dummybump from livejournal here. I know I don't post many comments, but I do read ya.
I'll add this to my RSS feeds.