Just Say Nyet

Surprise! Wow, nothing really ever does get deleted from the internet. I haven't used this blog in eight years, and yet here it was waiting for me.

Today, I went to post a new entry on my LiveJournal and was greeted by a new Terms of Service agreement. It looks like it's primarily about Russians cracking down on other Russians, but getting involved with Russians on the internet may not be the most prudent thing to do these days. Some of my friends are telling me it's time to bail out, and I think they might be right. But... I so don't need something else to wrangle with right now.

Preserving 14-1/2 years of entries doesn't look like it would be a problem. Plenty of people out there have come up with ways to do it. The more troublesome thing, though, is that my main audience these days comes from Facebook. I'd have to reset the links for any entries I wanted to keep sharing over to the new journal.

And then, of course, there's the question of where I'd move to. Here? There's no automatic cross-posting to other social media outlets. And is the domain of Google any better than the domain of Putin? (That's a real question, by the way, not a rhetorical one.) Dreamwidth, which is where LJ users seem to be flocking? It still looks a bit undeveloped, and storage space is limited. WordPress? Their hosted site looks like it could get expensive, and using their software on my own website could mean wrestling with spam and security issues.

Somewhere else? There are dozens to choose from!

Bleh. Maybe I'll let myself mull it over for a few days and then come back to it.

Any thoughts on your end?


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