The Buddy System is Not Your Buddy

My first five months in my current day-job, back in 2003, were a baptism of fire. I had to get the company through two major certification audits in that brief span of time. There was a retired Engineering VP who had stayed on as a consultant, and he kept telling me to be sure I scheduled one of the audits quickly, before "Manny" retired. "Be sure you get Manny," he kept telling me. "Manny will help us." It turned out that "Manny" was a guy in the state's inspection office, and the way he helped us was by schmoozing with the national inspector, taking him out for dinner and making sure he was in a good mood. The "audit" would then consist of Manny and the national inspector and a couple of company guys basically shooting the breeze for a while and making some changes to our paperwork so it would look like they'd done something. I didn't realize that, and wouldn't have played that game anyway - and as a result, we...