OK Trumper

My 14 year-old niece likes using "OK Boomer." I'm told she even got into an argument with her dad about it. But when I pointed out that - unlike her dad, who is definitely Gen-X - I'm old enough to be considered a Boomer, depending on which social scientist you ask, she replied, "Boomer is a state of mind."
Honestly, there have been more than a few times when I've been tempted to say "OK Boomer" myself. I've even brought it up on social media, which earned me quick and vigorous rebukes from some people I'm otherwise on friendly terms with, quick to defend their age group. Folks, my niece is right - "Boomer" is a state of mind, one that can be rejected by people my age and older, and one that can be embraced by people younger than I am.
Yesterday, I listened to a fascinating - but depressing - episode of Ezra Klein's podcast, featuring energy and climate writer Dave Roberts, talking about "Republicans vs. the Planet". Roberts attributes the Republican Party's complete denial of climate change to "tribal epistemology." That is to say, Republicans have abandoned the practice of basing "truth" on objective facts, and instead have decided that "truth" is whatever they want it to be. Or more accurately, whatever their leaders want it to be. And climate change isn't the only issue where this is happening. It's everywhere. If you were able to stomach any of the impeachment hearings - which I wasn't - you would have seen it on full display.
Scientists, Democrats, and anyone else wanting a habitable planet to live on have all assumed that the key to getting Republicans to see the light is by making better arguments and doing a better job of presenting the facts. What a growing number of people are realizing is that facts are useless. The one person who had a chance was climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, who is not just an Evangelical Christian, but a pastor's wife as well. But the way Republicans are now branding even loyal followers as "never Trumpers" for saying even the slightest thing they don't like, I think her window of opportunity may have closed, too.
There is no point in trying to debate the issue anymore. No point even in trying to hold a reasonable conversation. "Reason" requires agreement on a set of basic objective facts, and that simply doesn't exist now. You can't present facts and evidence to someone who thinks the "alternative facts" presented by FOX "News" are just as valid. And in fact, you can even make the case that debating the issue is in fact counter-productive. After all, the more time and energy you spend on arguing, the less time and energy there is for doing something. Inaction is what Republicans want. We don't have time to waste on beating our heads against walls.
And that brings me back to "OK Boomer." Maybe "Boomer" isn't the right word, but the attitude is one I find myself turning to more and more.
Remember, reality will have the last word. Sooner or later, climate change, the economy, and a host of other issues will reach the point where they can no longer be denied. Those are not going to be pleasant experiences. If Trumpers are going to block the government from doing what's necessary, we'll just have to go around them as much as we can. In some cases, it won't be nearly enough, but it will be better than nothing. We have to try.